Mennonite Church Canada is providing grants to congregations to upgrade facilities with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The multiyear Emissions Reduction Grant will fund 50% of the cost to reduce carbon emissions from church buildings, up to $6,000, through improvements such as better insulation, window and door upgrades, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems and appliances.
The idea for the fund surfaced in MC Canada’s Sustainability Leadership Group in 2022.
Climate action coordinator Sandy Plett is heading up the project.
“When we reduce emissions, we have an impact on how much heating will happen on the planet. And every bit matters,” she said. “Emissions reduction is an important act of mitigation.”
MC Canada executive minister Doug Klassen said the $100,000 seed money for the fund comes from a church building fund established by a donor, as well as a self-imposed carbon levy on MC Canada staff and volunteer travel.
“But anyone can donate to the fund,” he said, encouraging congregations to use the grant fund. “We know that many congregations do want to make the changes, and that’s a good thing. The sooner we can reduce carbon emissions, the greater the benefits will be.”
The deadline for the first round of applications is Sept. 30.
Plett expects to fund four or five grant applications in 2023. Information is available at
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