MC USA releases 2021 convention content online

Mennonite Church USA has made a variety of resources from last year’s convention free online.

“Since MennoCon21 was a hybrid event, we are able to offer a more robust selection of resources than we have in the past,” said Scott Hartman, MC USA director of event planning. “The worship speakers and virtual seminars from MennoCon21 are great assets for congregations to use this summer as they need additional resources,” he added. 

Sermons focus on ways to think about peace, featuring:

— Jon Carlson, MC USA moderator-elect and lead pastor of Forest Hills Mennonite Church in Leola, Pa.;

— Lesley Francisco McClendon, senior pastor, and Caleb McClendon, assistant pastor, of Calvary Community Church in Hampton, Va.;

— Meghan Good, teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Ariz.;

— Glen Guyton, MC USA executive director;

— Ana Hinojosa, Mennonite Mission Network director of constituent engagement.

The three-session Bible study with Safwat Marzouk, associate professor of Old Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Va., focuses on “Shalom Justice Amidst Pandemic and Racism.”

Keynote sermons, educational seminars, Bible studies, storyteller videos and more are available from MC USA at

The next MC USA convention will be July 3-8, 2023, in Kansas City, Mo.

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