When it comes to spending national treasure, the U.S. military takes priority. Mennonite Church USA is urging its members to question that.
MC USA released a “statement on the value and morality of the 2022 U.S. defense budget” in response to the National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Biden on Dec. 27.
“Budgets are moral documents, reflecting what we value and prioritize collectively as a nation,” says the statement.
It calls for congregations and members to weigh the financial and moral cost of the proposed $770 billion defense budget in comparison to national and global needs for COVID-19 vaccinations, healthcare, safe drinking water and humanitarian aid.
“As Anabaptists, we follow the way of Jesus who resisted violence, even to his death on a cross,” said Sue Park-Hur, MC USA denominational minister for transformative peacemaking. “. . . Knowing how our national treasure is being spent, we cannot stay silent.”
The statement recommends ways congregations can take action against the budget decision.
MC USA provides resources for learning and opportunities for people to get involved in advocacy work and war-tax resistance.
The statement was written with the Mennonites Against Militarism reference council, which seeks to reinvigorate Mennonites’ voice against the destructive powers of militarism.
MC USA’s work with MAM includes “Cost of War,” an online resource to raise awareness about the economics of war and the impact of militarism.
Read the statement at mennoniteusa.org/transformational-peacemaking/statement-2022-defense-budget.
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