HESSTON, Kan. — Donors’ support and lower costs kept Mennonite World Review Inc. budget balanced in 2014 as income increased and print circulation declined.
At the nonprofit corporation’s annual meeting March 6 at Hesston College, editor and publisher Paul Schrag said operational revenues exceeded expenses by $33,560.
Total revenue was up $10,908 compared to 2013.
Readers’ tax-deductible contributions continued to grow as a source of support for MWR’s ministry.
Readers gave a record $46,445 in 2014. Of that amount, $35,534 came from the fourth annual fund appeal. Half of the fund drive’s receipts were deposited in the company’s endowment, and half were used for current operations. The endowment will be a source of income in the future. The company has not yet needed to withdraw any funds.
Average paid print circulation was 7,615, down 581. But online readership and advertising continued to grow. The mennoworld.org website had an average of 26,939 visitors a month, a 10 percent increase. Online advertising income increased 63 percent. A redesign of the site improved readability, and a new comments policy set higher standards for conversation among readers.
The website, which is free to everyone, includes about half of MWR’s content.
Digital subscriptions
A digital-only subscription was launched and has gained 51 subscribers. For $36 a year — one-third less than the price for print — digital-only subscribers get a PDF of each MWR issue exactly as it appears in print. Print subscribers can receive the digital edition free. See mennoworld.org/subscribe.
Board election
Corporation members re-elected two members of the board of directors:
- Rachel Lapp Whitt of Bloomington, Ill., a designer and communication strategist with a firm in central Illinois.
- Linda Shelly of Newton, Latin America director for Mennonite Mission Network.
One new member was elected to the board:
- Marty Troyer of Houston, pastor of Houston Mennonite Church and blogger for The Houston Chronicle.
Troyer replaces James C. Juhnke, who has served the maximum of 12 years.
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