Name dropping

In Dovetails, the newsletter of Mennonite Church USA’s Peace and Justice Support Network, Mike Sherrill, executive director of Mennonite Mission Network, includes reference to the mission statement of MMN, which “pulls together three pillars that are essential to bringing the peace: Jesus, community and reconciliation.” The name of Jesus has been on the lips of theologians and conquerors throughout history — from Constantine, through the Crusades, including the priests and soldiers arriving in the New World. The name of Jesus was on the lips of slave owners. Today the name of Jesus is on the signs of “evangelicals” along with the name of a former president of the supporters of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol. Was there attention by these to the teaching of Jesus on peace and justice? On release of the captive (enslaved?) and setting the prisoners free? Where will attention to justice for the environment be centered?

Perhaps Sherrill was right to end the Peace and Justice Support Network (page 19). MC USA needs, alongside Mennonite Disaster Service, Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Mission Network, a new network — independent of MMN — a Peace and Justice Network.

David Alleman, Harrisonburg, Va.

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