O Risen One: a resurrection prayer

— Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

O Risen One,
I arise this day and welcome
the light that awakens and
the breath that sustains.

Thank you for the restful darkness,
and for the healing dreamtime.
I pray that I will meet you this day,
and even more, that I will be
awake to each encounter.

May you roll back the stony barriers of
my fear, resistance and presumption.
May you illumine the shadowed tombs
of my blame, shame and guilt.
May I hear you when you lovingly
call me by my true names.
May I recognize you when you appear in
the guise of friend, stranger, and adversary.
May I sense you when I am quiet
and aware of my own heart.
May I taste you as I break the bread of life.

I arise this day and welcome
the light that awakens and
the breath that sustains.


This appeared on Mennonite Church USA’s website on March 27. Used with permission.

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