For every clouded sunrise
Each hang-nailed rainbow
The smeared-ink greeting or mangled embrace
For the rimmed-out putts
The off-centered bullseyes
Like near-ripened avocados
That are a bit harder to swallow
The sleeted Christmas
The bittersweet chocolate
That divine flaw
Each time you color outside the lines
Or drive through yellow lights bound within them
May your fog-veiled views
Like stained glass
Guide you to stories
Crafted and blurry
And may the off-key harmonies with sharp-stringed instruments
Lead you to sing along in unison
And dance flat-footed
Stumbling as you go
For it is on uneven floors that we learn to balance
And hold ourselves upright
So may you seek the lessons
You all but understand
And may you rejoice
That beauty can come
In the ideal blemishes
That leave us wanting for more
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