Judgment is here Not as we expected Not as we were told by our religious leaders Not from a god in the heavens But by our own hand
Fires rage in a desert of dry bones In places we have desecrated The lungs of our Mother stripped bare Releasing toxins Our lungs – vulnerable and weak In the wake of their power
Mother, forgive us for we know not what we do Our memory has been clouded And we have forgotten What we do to you We do to ourselves Christ have mercy What we do to the least of these We do unto the Holy One
A revolution has been conceived The birth pains are upon us Not with force or might A revolution of the heart
Awaken the dry bones in the desert Breathe life into what we have become Refreshing Spirit, cascade over us Quench our brittle edges May we remember who we are And awaken
Renew our hearts May they beat once again With love With compassion With justice
Rise up and take your place Bring healing to the nations A cup of water to all who thirst
Plant your feet on a carpet of green Feel your roots go deep Tap into the Source of Life Draw up from the wellspring of creative wisdom
It is time Become still and you will hear the call A murmuring that is growing in intensity A cloud of witnesses surrounds and uphold you Birth is inevitable
Feel the pounding in your chest The revolution is within you An ancestral drumbeat drawing you forward
Now is the time Keep pushing Keep breathing New life is upon us
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