Registration opens March 1 for MennoCon23, the biennial Mennonite Church USA convention, July 3-6 in Kansas City, Mo.
The delegate assembly will be a standalone event July 7-8, allowing delegates to participate in the full convention.
Also on July 7, MC USA and the Mennonite Creation Care Network will host a Youth and Young Adult Climate Summit. The one-day program for high school youth and young adults through age 25 will focus on the intersection of faith and climate justice.
Convention planning is being led by Lisa Lehman, a new MC USA staff member. She replaces Scott Hartman, long-term convention director, who accepted a position as project manager for Everence, MC USA’s financial services agency.
Lehman has experience in marketing and administrative leadership, including as a board member and publicity chair for the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale. She is a graduate of Hesston College and Eastern Mennonite University.
The convention “provides a unique opportunity to learn, worship and connect with old friends and new acquaintances across MC USA, reminding us that we are a part of a much larger body of believers,” Lehman said.
The convention schedule reflects changes based on feedback from 2021 convention attendees. New features include:
More worship services. Six services will incorporate the convention theme, “Be Transformed.” Speakers will use stories of biblical characters to illustrate how believers are transformed by the Spirit.
More opportunities for conversation. Seminars will be complemented by conversation sessions. Through guided discussion, attendees will connect with others to think of ways to apply what they have learned.
Children’s programming is back after being left out of the 2021 convention due to COVID-19 limitations.
Housing will be at the Crown Plaza Downtown Kansas City and Marriott Downtown Kansas City, both within two blocks of the Kansas City Convention Center. Attendees will receive a registration link when they register for convention.
Need-based scholarships are available. Registration is at
“It is our hope that MennoCon23 will inspire and equip children, youth and adults to live out their Anabaptist faith values more fully,” Lehman said.
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