Take off your shoes

Photo by Md. Zahid Hasan Joy from unsplash.com. Photo by Md. Zahid Hasan Joy from unsplash.com.

In my work i am fortunate to be invited into other people’s stories. Often as I read or listen, I am reminded of Exodus 3 where Moses finds the burning bush and God tells him to take off his shoes because he is standing on holy ground. When working with these stories I often feel like I am walking on holy ground.

So, I am taking this opportunity to thank all of you who have submitted articles, ideas and leads. It takes vulnerability to reach out and share your thoughts, convictions and experiences. We appreciate each one, and even if at the moment we aren’t able to publish it, we always consider it with sincerity.

In this issue, there are two pieces that mirror one another. Two brothers born and raised in a Mennonite church share their journeys of faith, beliefs about sexuality and the sorrows and joys in their relationship. I’m honored that they’ve trusted Anabaptist World with their stories. I hope all of our readers can understand and respect their courage in sharing.

I’ll give you a heads-up now: Take off your shoes.

It has officially been a year since I began working with Anabaptist World (I started a couple of months before the merger of The Mennonite and Mennonite World Review.) That is amazing to me to write. Even though the year has been full and at times bumpy, at this moment it feels like it has flown by.

When I take a moment to reflect on everything we’ve done together, I am overcome with gratitude. I’m proud of the AW team, of the work and of the community — all of you who continue to show up for us.

It’s serendipitous that my one-year anniversary coincides with MennoCon21, the biennial convention of Mennonite Church USA. Because of COVID, this will be the first time I’ll be able to be with some of my colleagues in person. It feels special that this can happen at an event where so many come together to work on and celebrate the church.
Some of you will be reading this during MennoCon21 (July 6-10). Since we are at convention, look for the reports in the next issue.

Danielle Klotz

Danielle Klotz is executive director of Anabaptist World. She lives in Goshen Indiana with her partner Nata and their sons Read More

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