Do we really believe Jesus? Many read the Bible about the birth of Jesus and the miracles of his birth and life. The Christ story is going around the world, and many are dying for him, and many are coming to Jesus. With all the wickedness, killing and violence we see going on around us by false religions (some are more political and jihad-warring than religious), Christians need to warn of these dangers, just as Jesus did, which led to his sacrificing of his life in his love for us.
We see how willing and blessed the young virgin Mary was after she asked, “How can this be?” Then she believed and honored the angel of the Lord with great faith and love. She had the miracle baby Jesus in the face of dishonor and persecution. And Mary’s cousin Elizabeth, with her aged husband, wanted a child, and the Lord allowed the elderly couple to have a child. He grew up to be John the Baptist, who cried out against the sin of his day. John was killed for his faith; John also prepared the way for Jesus.
We should be honored and thankful that we can trust and share Jesus with others so we can all share the glory with Jesus and the Father in heaven forever.
Wayne Kratzer
Kidron, Ohio
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