Randy Kraybill (Letters & Comments, Jan. 18) has hit the nail on the head. There can be no dialogue if people do not uphold the authority of Scripture — all of it. Otherwise there is no basis for absolute truth. The saddest thing for us is to see Mennonite Church USA ripped apart by a few who have willfully violated the Confession of Faith, which is based on Scripture and which they have pledged to uphold as members. These people or churches should have been removed from membership, having caused untold division. It should have never gotten to this point, forcing many churches to make the agonizing decision to withdraw.
The Bible tells us God disciplines those he loves. We as parents discipline our children because we love them. It is out of love that we must speak the truth. These decisions have eternal consequences, and we will be held accountable for leading the young astray. Nowhere in Scripture are same-sex unions validated. Never did we think the church would be debating the sacred design of marriage created by Almighty God. It is a sad time in the history of the Mennonite church.
Jack and Candy Knepp
Sarasota, Fla.
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