Jesus’ command was to love everyone with divine love (agape), not homosexual love. Sex should be private. The homosexual issue split the Lutheran and Presbyterian denominations and is now splitting Mennonite Church USA. With the widespread circulation of AW, please don’t promote gay/lesbian approval, as was done with two full pages about brothers meeting at a Pride parade (July 9).
Don Klassen, Harrisburg, S.D.
It is evident the authors and churches in “Finding pride in my brother” and “Finding my brother at Pride” do not embrace the long-held confession that the Bible is our word from God for faith and practice. The Bible addresses pride. It’s mentioned nearly 100 times. Twice the New Testament says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5). Isaiah declared, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” (5:20, New International Version). Instead of practicing what God resists, I found God’s grace and freedom to live victoriously over the sins I inherited through the sin that infected the human race in Eden. I am disappointed to read endorsements of pride and sin in an Anabaptist magazine.
Simon Schrock, Catlett, Va.
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