Photo: Pastor Gordon Allaby blesses his grandson in an Advent Labyrinth at Waterloo North Mennonite Church. Photo by Jennie Wiebe.
At Waterloo (Ontario) North Mennonite Church last year, the Advent season began on Nov. 24 with a special labyrinth of blessing for the congregation’s children and youth.
A labyrinth of freshly cut pine, spruce and cedar boughs spiraled through the fellowship hall. Decorated with foil stars, apples, and cranberry-like garlands, the labyrinth brought a festive appearance and a seasonal scent to the darkened room. Christmas carols played in the background.
A procession of children and youth carrying unlit candles in mason jars followed the path to the center, where one by one they received a personal message of God’s love from a pastor stationed there and their candles were lit. Then they exited the labyrinth, leaving their glowing candles at appointed places along the path.
By the end of the evening, lead pastor Gordon Allaby noted in an email, the dark room was filled with dozens of tiny lights shining in the darkness. The setting and evening was all about Advent, he explained. “The light coming into the world, preparing ourselves to receive (again and again) this light, and then going out with the light.”
Allaby’s grandson happened to be visiting Waterloo during the American Thanksgiving break, and was able to participate in the service.
“This experience made a huge impression on him because he rarely attends church,” Allaby wrote. “I found it deeply meaningful to bless him, light his candle and to see his delight in experiencing church in such a positive and affirming manner.”
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