On the road to Manchester Posted on 11/01/09 at 07:55 PM I'm headed north on the M6 to Manchester on the bus. Overhead big puffy clouds are lit by the sun, Tim Nafziger November 1, 2009
How humor and enemy loving transformed a grand dragon of the KKK Posted on on 08/31/09 at 09:06 AM When we hear people talk about the power of Christian nonviolence and peacemaking, it is almost always a story Tim Nafziger August 31, 2009
Rogers Park anti-violence march and rally on my corner Posted on 07/13/09 at 11:54 AM On the morning of July 5, Mayor Richard Daley, police superintendent Jody Weis, Alderman Patrick O'Connor, Alderman Joe Moore along Tim Nafziger July 13, 2009
Umar Jaleel, Sri Lankan peaceworker released in Philippines Posted on 06/03/09 at 09:09 PM This afternoon I was very happy to read of the release of Umar Jaleel, a member of the Nonviolent Peaceforce. Tim Nafziger June 3, 2009
Midweek must read link roundup Posted on 05/27/09 at 07:18 PM Every once in a while, I stumble across a bunch of links all at once that don't quite have the Tim Nafziger May 27, 2009
Wampanoag and the Pilgrims: From friendship to annihalation in 60 years Posted on 05/17/09 at 11:59 PM This evening I watched the first episode of We Shall Remain, a five part PBS series you can watch for Tim Nafziger May 17, 2009
Walking through Rockwell Gardens Last Saturday I rode my bicycle out to First Church of the Brethren for meetings. along Van Buren Street. As I biked away from the Tim Nafziger March 27, 2009
Bush policy decisions fueled Mexican drug cartels Posted on 03/18/09 at 12:03 PM It's rare I pick up the newspaper in the morning and read an article about the war on drugs that Tim Nafziger March 18, 2009
Facebook and Philip Rizk’s Freedom Posted on 02/15/09 at 09:36 PM Last Sunday, a friend of mine got up and shared about the detention of Phil Rizk, a German-Egyptian activist Tim Nafziger February 15, 2009
Live blogging from a corporate lobby on Madison Street Posted on 01/03/09 at 09:57 PM Twenty minutes ago I arrived at the platform for the 7:35 Metra train just in time to see the train Tim Nafziger January 3, 2009
Shock for an eye, awe for a tooth: Lex talionis discarded in Gaza posted by Tim Nafziger on 12/28/08 at 11:06 PM After spending an hour reading the news about Gaza, there's a lot of different blog posts Tim Nafziger December 28, 2008
Talking with Arthur Mutambara, Zimbabwe’s deputy prime minister in waiting posted on 12/07/08 at 10:40 PM This week Zimbabwe has wrestled its way back into the news with reports of over 600 dead of cholera Tim Nafziger December 7, 2008