Photo: Keynote speaker, Deondra Brown, cofounder of The Foundation for Survivors of Abuse, presents at the gathering.
“How steadfast is your unfailing love, O God! All your children take refuge in the shadow of your wings,” was the theme verse for Dove’s Nest’s first annual “Protecting Our Children and Youth Conference and Worship Gathering.”
The event took place Nov. 7-9 in Omaha, Neb. Attendees heard from keynote speaker, Deondra Brown, cofounder of The Foundation for Survivors of Abuse, who shared her courageous story of surviving and thriving after being sexually abused by her father.
Brown shared how spiritual leaders in her local faith community walked with her through the difficult early days after confronting her father and continued to support her as she found her way on the path to healing.
She also discussed legislative efforts to eliminate statute of limitation laws so that abuse survivors have the option to seek prosecution on their own timeline if they so choose.
Seven breakout sessions equipped pastors and faith communities to prevent child abuse and keep children safe.
Additional sessions offered training on the Circle of Grace safe environment curriculum (available at no cost to Mennonite Church USA congregations), procedures to help a faith community be accountable to its child and youth protection policies, and a discussion of ways in which the peace position may increase vulnerability to abuse
Dove’s Nest began within Mennonite Church USA and now has a national board comprised of Mennonites and members of other denominations. Two staff lead the organization’s day-to-day work.
More than 500 Mennonite Church USA congregations or affiliated organizations have received a free copy of the Circle of Grace safe environment curriculum and more than 100 congregations have participated in a Dove’s Nest training event.
“We’ve been extremely busy,” says executive director Jon Stanton. “But it’s exciting and fulfilling to realize the impact we are having and the new places we are now reaching. We have sent several copies of Circle of Grace to Spanish-speaking churches both in the United States and overseas and have conducted training in Spanish as well.”
Since the “Protecting and Nurturing our Children and Youth” Resolution was approved by delegates at the 2013 Convention, Dove’s Nest has continued to work with Mennonite Church USA leaders to help congregations implement its recommendations.
Nancy Kauffmann, denominational minister and member of the Dove’s Nest’s board commented, “I’ve been with Dove’s Nest since the beginning and I am very pleased at the progress we’ve made, especially in the time since passage of the Resolution.”
Dove’s Nest hopes to make the conference an annual occurrence, possibly moving to different locations each year to broaden geographic representation. For more information about Dove’s Nest or to request training for your congregation, visit
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