Five things Friday roundup: the Bible

— StockSnap from Pixabay

The Bible has been on my mind lately. It’s far too easy for me to live my daily life without spending time reading and meditating on these holy words. Perhaps this is a challenge for you, too. Here are some ways I feel drawn into deeper engagement with the biblical texts and our loving God. 

1. The Chosen. I think most have at least heard of this crowdfunded series by now. Its 3 seasons can be viewed for free on the Chosen app or via DVD. In addition to watching the episodes, there are Bible studies, novelizations and picture book adaptations of the episodes to engage people of all ages (apparently comic books, too, as I learned the night I was writing this). I find the imagined dialogue between Jesus and his followers and others he encountered helps me view Jesus and his teaching as well as his role on earth in new and more complex ways. 

2. Children’s Bibles. As a parent, each year has been a learning experience and an opportunity to think intentionally about how I talk about and use my Bible as well as age-appropriate Bibles/Bible resources. As a librarian, I love a beautifully illustrated story Bible that helps tell familiar Bible stories as a connected narrative about God and God’s people. An old favorite for us is the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones (which also comes in a variety of formats and with a wide range of resources to continue exploration and growth). Of course, I can’t wait to get my hands on a print copy of The Peace Table published by MennoMedia, due to be released next month. 

3. Bible Study. Recently my family wrapped up our work as one of the study groups for the Anabaptist Community Bible. I look forward to this resource and others that help us reflect, celebrate, and look to the future through the Anabaptism at 500 initiatives of MennoMedia in 2025. One of my most significant takeaways was a unique opportunity to engage in an intentional and structured Bible study with my parents as an adult. This was a rich blessing and reminds me of the power of studying the biblical texts with those whom we live and work and share life as equals.

4. Fresh Eyes and Ears. Sometimes it is easy to hear familiar words as simply that — familiar words rather than powerful, life-changing words. I’ve found that reading an unfamiliar version or translation can provide enough variance to make me wake up as I read or listen and allow the words to penetrate. First Nations Version is a beautifully rendered version worthy of our attention. This website offers a free sampler download.

5. Scripture Doodles. Ten years ago, Joanna Pinkerton, a gifted artist from my home congregation, drew scripture doodles for the fall worship series. At the time, I was newly married, in my second year as an elementary school teacher and worshiping in my current town rather than in my home church. Every week, my parents picked up copies of these doodles for me. Adding color to these beautiful pieces of art allowed this artistically challenged, stressed young woman to meditate on the scriptures and their larger story in a beautiful and impactful way. Thanks to Hope Mennonite Church and Joanna, these doodles are available online for inspiration and for your own meditation. Spend time doodling your own scripture verses, or add life and color to one Joanna or someone else has created.


Jennie Wintermote

Jennie Wintermote splits her day-time hours between the Western District Conference Resource Library in North Newton, Kansas and Anabaptist World. Read More

Anabaptist World

Anabaptist World Inc. (AW) is an independent journalistic ministry serving the global Anabaptist movement. We seek to inform, inspire and Read More

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