Friday roundup: Five things worth paying attention to this week

Here are five things worth paying attention to this month. I recommend selecting one or two and jumping in over the next week.

  1. A hunger strike is now in effect as people continue to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.
  2. If you still wonder why activists are calling to abolish or defund the police, stories like these are illustrative.
  3. Are you ready to vocalize your truth and encounter your own voice? Check out the 5-day Glow-Up challenge from Danellia Arechiga. You won’t regret it.
  4. An important critique of the book White Fragility.
  5. For reasons unknown, I went into the rabbit hole of English dialects this week and stumbled upon this video. You’re welcome.

Ben Tapper has a master’s degree in public affairs and an M.Div. He is co-founder of the Hear Me Project and blogs at Invisible Truths.

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