The merger of the General Conference Mennonite Church and the Mennonite Church in 2002 has resulted in not one but four autonomous conferences/denominations: Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Church Canada, Evana and LMC. And now a fifth, Mosaic Conference, also proposes to be a separate conference (“Mosaic Conference board proposes withdrawal, partnership,” September). This is a perfect example of the unintended consequences of policy changes such as the merger. No one in 2002 could have imagined this outcome — and if we had anticipated it, the merger would not likely have been adopted. I voted for the merger in 2002 though I had many reservations, but my list of reservations did not include the likelihood that we would get four and now maybe five different denominational groups. Perhaps we should have been more concerned that already in the adopted merger we conceded to move from two denominations (GCs and MCs) to two denominations (MC USA and MC Canada). Realignment continues, hopefully with wisdom and honesty that strengthens trust, clarifies mission and motivates partnership.
Gerald J. Mast, Bluffton, Ohio
It’s a shame that the Mosiac board has chosen breaking relationship over breaking bread together. In a polarized world, we desperately need peacebuilders to value people over politics. It doesn’t mean we need to agree, but Jesus didn’t shun people he disagreed with.
Charles Henry Conklin, Facebook comment
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