Terry Shue announced his resignation from his position as MC USA director of Leadership Development. His end date will be no
later than June 1, 2018.
“I offer this resignation with deep love for the church,” said Shue. “It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve alongside the many committed leaders at multiple levels of MC USA these past eight years.”
Shue began this position in 2010, and his roles have included working with conference leaders and the Leadership Discernment Committee, serving on the Executive Board staff leadership cabinet, collaborating with Everence on several initiatives and working with the Values-Based Leadership Program. “I am thankful to God for my time in this role – especially for the relationships and experiences that have stretched me and caused me to grow in my personal and spiritual life,” said Shue. “My resignation is simply the result of my discernment that it is time to step aside and let someone else have a turn on this wild ride we call church leadership!”
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