Brethren event featuring Asian-American voices

The Church of the Brethren's “Listening and Learning from Brethren Leaders of Asian-American Heritage” event will hear from speakers Wendy McFadden, Madalyn Metzger and Lin Reish on May 5. The Church of the Brethren’s “Listening and Learning from Brethren Leaders of Asian-American Heritage” event will hear from speakers Wendy McFadden, Madalyn Metzger and Lin Reish on May 5.

A virtual conversation, “Listening and Learning from Brethren Leaders of Asian-American Heritage,” is being held online at 7:30 p.m. EDT May 5.

The Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry event is focusing on concern for the safety, needs and valuing of Asian-American and Pacific Islander members of U.S. society in light of recent instances of violence directed toward them.

Three Brethren leaders of Asian-American heritage are offering insights and experiences: Wendy McFadden, publisher of Brethren Press and Church of the Brethren communications; Madalyn Metzger, vice president of marketing at Everence Financial; and Lin Reish, associate research analyst at Healthline Media.

Registration is at

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