Friday roundup: Five things worth paying attention to this week

Here are five things worth paying attention to this week. I recommend selecting one or two and jumping in over the next week.

1. If you’re still unsure about how prevalent racism is, this story should open your eyes:

2. Alicia Keys referred to New York as the “concrete jungle where dreams are made of,” and now those dreams include expanded access to health care.

3. Rape culture, toxic masculinity and racism intersect one another to form a web of oppression that this article highlights.

4. Here is a thought-provoking read from Sojourners. Is the church in any position to influence techno-sexual morals?

5. If you want an alternative view of what race relations might look like had the Civil War gone differently, this is the book for you.

Ben Tapper has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Manchester University, a master’s degree in public affairs from Indiana University and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from Christian Theological Seminary. He serves as the faith formation coordinator for First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, and is actively involved in community engagement.

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