This article was originally published by The Mennonite

Life is a great romance

Lauren Francisco is currently serving with Mennonite Mission Network in South Africa. 

The earth spins on it’s axis for you. What greater romance is there than the gift of life?

Stitched together in the belly of your mother’s womb; intricately crafted for your purpose.

You’re needed. The world is calling for you. The sky opens up and the sun shines to light up the world in which you live. How dare you ignore this? How could you not see the miracles that shape you? From the moment you were born, you compared yourself to others who were individually crafted for a purpose of their own. Not looking within yourself, you chose to look to others to affirm your destiny.

What’s my purpose, you ask each morning as you painfully take a step out of bed. Nothing talks back. No one talks back. For years, it was a cycle. What am I doing this for? Why am I here?

Can you not see? Can you not hear? The sun on your cheeks each morning, warming your face and lighting your path. The dreadful chirping of birds you complain about are the wake up call for your destiny. How can you not see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it?

Your eyes were meant to witness miracles, views incapable of being created by man. Your ears were meant to hold on to the musical notes of symphonies beautifully roaring for you. The soundtrack to your life could be played in a pub down the street or a church around the corner. Find it. Your taste buds are alive, waiting to dance and indulge in the spices of life. Your unique fingerprint is waiting to feel the textures of romance.

See the world, listen to what it’s saying, touch lives in ways ONLY you can and fully consume it all.

That is your purpose. You feel empty, you feel tired, you feel alone because you were not meant to sit still. Let the sun serve as a reminder to get out of your routine. Keep your senses alive. Feed them. Nurture them. Use them.

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