This article was originally published by The Mennonite

Mennonite Mission Network seeking executive director

Following the retirement announcement this summer of Stanley W. Green as longtime leader of Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA is seeking applicants for its executive director position.

To continue Mission Network’s legacy of fostering organizational faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, the ideal executive director will be prepared to provide vision, guide innovative change, direct administration functions and influence cross-divisional teamwork. The leader will also represent the organization in collaborative relationships in order to fulfill its mission: “Together, sharing all of Christ with all of creation.”

“The search committee is committed to finding the best person to lead this ministry into the next chapter of its story,” says search committee chair Lee Schmucker, a consultant, trainer and leadership coach with Schmucker Training & Consulting in Wichita, Kansas.

“We are asking for God’s leading to bring the right person to this position,” she says. “We invite the entire church to be in prayer for the Spirit’s leading during this process.”

Schmucker says the six-person search committee began its work in July, when the first order of business was to survey stakeholders in crafting a job description. “I anticipate we will keep the search process open to the end of the year, and we hope to select a candidate by the end of the first quarter of 2020,” she says.

Joining Schmucker on the search committee are Andrew Bodden, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Cindy Cumberbatch, Tampa, Florida; Linda Dibble, Portland, Oregon; Madeline Maldonado, Goshen, Indiana; and Steve Breidigan, Douglasville, Pennsylvania.

Based in Elkhart, Indiana, the executive director will be accountable to Mission Network’s board of directors and will supervise the mission agency’s executive cabinet and the executive office assistant. They will also serve as a member of the Mennonite Church USA governance council under the leadership of the MC USA Executive Board.

Listed among the professional expectations is the capacity and willingness to raise funds, lead sustainable change through a shared vision, and connect and engage with diverse intercultural and international constituents as well as the ability to oversee resources and programs that lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness and commit to intercultural advancement, antiracist action and cultural competency.

They will demonstrate a commitment to Christ, grounded in the Anabaptist understandings of Christian faith and be dedicated to a vibrant Christian life nurtured through relationships of accountability and the practice of spiritual disciplines.

Find the full position description here. To apply, send resume and position application to with “Executive Director Inquiry” in the subject line. (Applications and resumes will only be read by the search committee to ensure confidentiality.)

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